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Check for Departure

Departure time and arrival in airport
Before getting to the airport, please check your departure time from your itinerary or airfare ticket. Arrive at the airport at least 3 hours before your departure.

Required documents for departure
Please make sure that you carry all necessary and valid travel documents including your passport and visa.

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 ( Preparation )

( Transportation )

Things to do in T4

Welcome to Kuwait International Airport Terminal4!

World-class service, IKAS is making every effort for customer satisfaction.
Enjoy your stay in Kuwait


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    ( Check In Tips   )

( Enjoy )

Check for Arrival/ Transit

Welcome to Kuwait International Airport Terminal4!

Give your journey a great start with a hassle free arrival at Kuwait International Airport.


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 ( Check for Transit )

( Check for Arrival )

  • Visa Service

عن الفتره من أغسطس2018 إلى اكتوبر2020T4 أداءمبني الركاب


حركة الطائرات


إجمالي عدد الركاب


تجهيز الأمتعة


(الوجهة (المدن

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Trusted Partners

They are reliable partners who are doing their best to ensure stable airport operation.